To make sure Gmail never filters Mastering Major Gifts emails as spam, all you have to do is mark the conversation as important and add us to your contacts list. Gmail may mistakenly send a message from us to your spam box. If this happens, open your spam box and the message from us. At the top of the email there should be a button that says “Not Spam.” Clicking that will make sure you continue to get our messages in the inbox.
If that doesn't work, you can try the following:
1. Open Gmail, click the Settings icon from the menu → Settings.
2. Click Filters and Blocked Addresses → Create a new filter.
3. In the “From” field, add "" to whitelist.
4. Click Create filter then select “Never send it to Spam.”
5. Click Create filter again to finish the process.
6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 to add the following emails to whitelist: